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In Melbourne

We arrived in Melbourne Tuesday evening after a trouble free flight. No problem with getting on the plane with a one way ticket, which Steve was concern about. Because I didn’t know when and how Steve’s problem would be resolved, I didn’t want to commit to a return ticket back to Fiji.

Before boarding the plane we also had time to visit the Fiji immigration office and get an official letter allowing us to renter Fiji on another one a way ticket. Hopefully this will give us a trouble free return to Fiji when all is over.

My cousin Sarah and her husband Russ were waiting for us on arrival and soon we were settled in their self contained garden cottage at the end of their pool. I had the best night sleep in days.

Yesterday we spent the day relaxing and recovering from the journey and catching up with Sarah and the family. It was also our 26th Wedding Anniversary so in the evening we celebrated with Sarah, Russ and their children with our mandatory take out curry and bubblies.

Today we have the CT scan and doctors appointment. I am impatient to get the result and getting closer to finding out Steve’s problem.

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