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Went to see doctor and had a scan yesterday. Will discuss results with doc today. Chances are it will only to decide which specialist to see next.

Am getting very worried about the future now. Hard to work out how to get through all this.

Will have to return to the boat at some point. Then what???

Sara (Helen’s cousin’s daughter) and Russ continue to be fantastic hosts. Don’t know what we’d do without them. Big thanks.

1 comment to Scan

  • Claudia&George, SY Dreamtime

    Hi Helen, hi Steve, we are glad Steve is in good hands now. Then next days, waiting for results, will be very tough and filled with anxiety. The Australian doctors will find out what’s wrong. I spent some time working in St.Vincent’s Hospital years ago, heath care in Australia is excellent – they will be able to help.
    Our thoughts are with you

    Claudia & George

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