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Around Marigot Bay

Yesterday Helen and I dinghied into Marigot Bay, toured around the boats moored there then went ashore. We checked out the restaurant at Chateau Mygo eventually deciding to celebrate finishing our taxes by easting there in the evening. We wandered around the Discovery resort which has been recently built. Very swish. Dodging occasional bursts of rain we climbed the hill to the village and were granted fabulous views of the bay along with a certain amount of tourist hastlement. We descended a different road to the bay only finding ourselves at JJs – an older and somewhat worn resort. From here there was no walkway back to where we’d left the dinghy so it was either back up the hill or take a water taxi. We took the latter option.

Dinner out in the evening was delicious. Helen had curried fish and I had jerk calamari. Very tasty but the portions were too small. Back on the boat we watched an old Red Dwarf episode and another survivor episode both downloaded at Rodney Bay.

Today we’re convincing ourselves to take it easy. Over the last 2-3 days we’ve both been feeling a bit worn out – maybe some sort of bug. A rest could do us good. Nice spot for it.

I’ve added some extra pics to yesterday’s album.

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