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Day 4 – Wicked Day

In the morning, Dad, John and I went scuba diving. That was good fun, wish we could’ve seen more though. It was kinda just the usual fish and coral, but I’m not complaining. It was a gas. So we pretty much chilled the rest of the day. Found a geocache, got a bunch of spikes in my foot thanks to that but it was cool. The best part, however, was what was in store that night. After we had a huge feast (which always makes me happy) we went to this live music thingy and danced. The rest of my group left but I wanted to stay more, so I did. I danced with a couple girls which was fun, then later got some beer from this kid and befriended him. We then went to the bar where we started talking to people and stuff until the whole bar was acquainted. Then this guy comes with a guitar (I’ve been rather upset from music withdrawal btw) so I was happy. Drank beers, played guitar, sang songs, made a good bunch of cool friends, then it went fuzzy. Good day, good day.

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