In the space of the last hour or so there has been much news. Much of it from a very long chat with the Prof.
- I can be moved to oral treatment for my fungal infection but this requires a three day overlap with the daily intravenous. That means I get to GO HOME SATURDAY EVENING. It is now close to certain. That’ll do.
- I have another Rituximub treatment planned for tomorrow to address possible EB Virus root cause.
- I will be booked back into the hospital next Thursday. I will definitely stay for some day tests and day treatment of more Rituximub. I may stay longer depending on test results.
- Recent scans showed active sites in spleen and liver. Hard to tell exact cause. In fact the Prof declared my case to be the most complicated he has been involved with in the last 10 years. Doesn’t exactly sound good or encouraging but I am so relieved I am with Prof Linch and noone else.
- Turns out he lives about a mile and a half from our new place and knows the area well.
From other sources
- I’ve been told I’ll get delivery tracking info for the TV (read very flat screen of joy) this evening once it’s on the overnight truck. I’m feeling confident.
- I now have email from the company recommending the insurance check. The reference laptop is finally reasonable and the price acceptable. I’ve agreed to the proposal. Looks encouraging.
How things can change in a short period of time. We can visit all the shops we want to on Sunday and I have a good game to play on my X-Box for my during my R&R. I might just use the big screen.
Just did a deal with the daily nurse to bring in my evening meds a couple of hours early for Friday / Saturday. Means I get to go home sooner.
It doesn’t escape me there are still many things that could interfere with this plan but at least we now have one and a few things I’ve working towards over the last few days are falling into place.
Incidentally, this timetable allows me to be present when the builder and possible also the engineer/architect visit our new property next week. All good in the near term. The long term, well I’ve promised the Prof a local beer when we’re all done. I have faith.