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Back in Prickly Bay

This morning I spent time researching a good place to buy our second windlass as well as a number of other smaller items we need.

Later, we dinghied into town to go shopping for bits and food. Actually we went in twice because the first time we discovered we’d forgotten the dinghy lock key and […]

Bow Lockers

After spending an hour or two looking up part references and potential alternates (in readiness of future spares purchasing) I was able to borrow Jim’s jigsaw. This allowed us to get on and do the bow locker project.

As mentioned before the bow lockers are pretty deep and difficult to get in an out. Consequently […]

Saturday Projects

Project progress :

72V/12V bypass switch

The rational for this project is to allow us to make better use of the regeneration on the boat. We have a switch that engages the DC cross converters that allows us to flow charge from the drive banks to the house banks. This keeps us off the generator […]

Boat work, day 1 of many

Quite a lot accomplished yesterday. Having prioritized my project list (61 items long) and determined what near term progress can be made on the higher priority items it was off measuring, buying, checking, going back to store to exchange items and get new and, in some cases, actually get into doing actual installs. In between […]

Great Meal Out

Over near the old fort are two nice restaurants, one on top of each other. For our meal out we figured one should be best so we went over and looked at the menu for each. On the ground floor was BB’s Crabback Caribbean Restaurant and above was a Chinese which I believe was called […]