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Work goes on …

Not on Monday though. After getting the new chain down to the dock the rain resumed in earnest and that was that for the rest of the day.

Tuesday was far more productive. The genset guy came. The old heat exchanger is leaky and a little clogged so I’d ordered a new one while we […]

Lazy Sunday

We didn’t do a great deal on Sunday. I spent some more time installing apps on my rebuilt laptop as well as nailing a few more Project Euler problems. I’ve now passed 150 correct which means I am no longer attributed the status of “Novice”.

I also spent some time troubleshooting some technical issues […]

Wheely Good Day

Saturday morning Helen and I went out shopping for a few bits and pieces for the boat plus another batch of chardonnay. With the new sealant I finished off the shower tray and fixed a loosed grill on the stove. Leaving Helen to use the sealant to fix some small leaks on the hatches I […]

Computer Day

Friday ended up being mostly a computer day for me while Helen carried on with her campaign (which is looking good).

The previous nights reinstall of the O/S and restore of my data had gone well but I had lots of s/w to reinstall. That meant a lot of downloads so after collecting a case […]

More work ….

I’m thinking blogs about boat work are not very rivetting so I’m going to bullet point our day.

Helen continued cleaning and sorting, now a full campaign. Retired at end of day with a back ache. I visited customs/immigration at Marsden Point to obtain knowledge regarding reentry later this year. More wine supplies and samples […]