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Dignity sets off

So it took a few more days before Dignity did set sail. She left sometime in the morning yesterday. Right now she’s making her way across the Bay of Biscay. Distance covered each day is not great so far. I am assuming this is due to the less than ideal conditions. Once she rounds the […]

Still in France

Today’s fix is in. Dignity is still in France.

Watching the Weather

Each day now sees us looking at the weather in La Rochelle, France as well as the website that tells us where Dignity is. On the latter, there is, at best, one uplink per day. Recently this has been about 3pm GMT. There also seems to be a lag between when the measurement is taken […]

General Licence Acquired

Took and passed my General HAM License this morning. This means that I can now make use of the free Winlink email service on the short wave radio. Not that I’ll be needing this for a while but it’s good to get this under my belt.

As of writing, to my best knowledge, Dignity is […]

Transponder Attached

No updates for a while as my Microsoft Expression demo license ran out and my paid for replacement copy hasn’t yet arrived. I have also had to send my laptop back for repair as the lid was cracking.

Yesterday I learned that the satellite transponder has been hooked up on Dignity so I can now […]