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At 1:30pm we moved the boat catching the incoming tide. We did, optimistically, raise the sails and may have had some assist for a while but about half way to our destination we dropped them as the wind died completely.

Instead of heading to Islington Bay, our first choice, we decided to anchor in Wharf […]

Mail Run

To allow Helen to rest her back (which incidentally is getting better) we made no plans for yesterday. I did get some mail (via St Brendan’s Isle) that required me to send some mail to the UK so I went ashore in the morning to visit the post office. I timed it so the tide […]

More Admin

I woke and felt the urge to finish off my UK taxes and put all that behind us. While connected to the internet I ran out of of bandwidth. For the last few days I’ve been trying to figure out why we’ve been using so much. In just a few days we’ve burned about 1.4Gb […]

Onetangi Bay

Once breakfast and our usual morning chores were sorted we raised the anchor and headed around to Onetangi Bay. There was insufficient wind to sail so we motored round.


We had an idea we might go ashore during the day but I got stuck into some admin. I sorted out our advance departure paperwork […]

Slowing Down

After the excitement of the two prior days, yesterday was very much slowing down for us. We did go ashore to the bay slightly to our east. Our guide book told us there was a post office and some shops there and as we had some mail to post it seemed a good idea to […]